We are a small family farm in Frederick, MD specializing in pasture raised meat and eggs. Open air, fresh feed, and low stress handling techniques all result in meat that is higher in nutrients and healthy fats when compared to conventionally raised alternatives.

Meet Your Farmers

Mike & Abby

Our journey to farming began with the pursuit of health. When we had our daughter our lives were turned upside down. We were not expecting to have a child with health issues. No parent ever expects or wants that. Overtime we began to research why our little one was having so many terrible reactions to food. We quickly learned that what we thought was healthy food, was not. Sadly what we wanted could not be found on the grocery store shelves. We wanted meat from animals that had a high quality of life. We wanted fresh produce from dirt with a diverse micro biome. We wanted to support a farm that was ethically raising their food. Since we could not find it, what was the next step? Be the change we wanted to see.

We pitched the idea of buying a farm together to Mike's parents, and much to our surprise they said yes. The farm not only fulfills our work desires, but it is how we provide food for the members of our family that have digestive issues. Almost all of us have some form of food allergy or intolerance. Producing our own food allows us to live healthier lives.

Farming has brought so much joy to our lives. To feel the dirt with our own hands, be the one taking care of our animals, and participating in changing our food system brings us hope for the future. Every day we continue to learn and adapt. And every day we make strides towards bettering our health and the health of our customers.


Jeff & Jeanne

Jeff and Jeanne met on the campus of the University of Maryland where Jeff was pursuing a degree in teaching science, and Jeanne was studying dietetics. They fell in love and got married and began working in their respective careers. Along the way came four awesome children, in addition to Jeff becoming a school counselor and Jeanne becoming a nurse.

Through the years, Jeanne would express her desire to buy land so she could grow things. She has always had a love for animals, healthy food, baking and gardening. In 2013, Jeanne was diagnosed with a digestive disorder. Now her medical background and interests needed to come together so she could manage her symptoms without the use of medications if possible. Fast forward to 2020, we bought a farm! Our son and his wife and three children joined us (or did we join them?!) in this new adventure as we put our passion for being good stewards of God's creation together with our desire for good health through good food!

Our Values


Anyone is able to come at any time to our farm to see how their food is being raised and grown. When you buy local you have the power of information. If the old adage is true, that you are what you eat, then you better know what you’re eating!

Land Health

Our farming methods add nutrients and organic matter back into the soil. Within the realm of agricultural practices, our farm’s ultimate goal is to build healthy soil and grow grass. Every subsequent act of raising food depends on this basic and fundamental goal.


The act of farming and the food it produces is healing to the body, mind, and spirit. Farming is our occupation, but ultimately, mankind is our business.

From Our Customers